
No excuses

We left the Millstream-Chichester N.P. today and headed west to the coast again. The Millstream end of the park is an oasis of clear springs and flowing water from the artesian basin that waters the surrounding Pilbara towns including Dampier, Karratha and Roebourne.

Its a fragile place. Just recently a popular camping spot and swimming hole has been permanently closed following cyclonic rains that eroded the river bed leaving trees with exposed roots ready to fall.

The wetlands are also said to be one of the most culturally significant indigenous sites in WA. Swimming is not permitted in the crystal clear waters of Jirndawurrunha pool.

Despite the fragility and preciousness of this area it felt strangely unloved. I can forgive the yellowing signage in the old Millstream homestead visitors centre, made harder to read due to lack of lighting (the could easily set up some solar powered lighting Steph so rightly pointed out), and the displays that were dusty and poorly kept. However within coo-ee of the rangers station, there was evidence of cattle (probably from the adjoining station) trampling the recently wet ground amongst the melaleuca forest and small seasonal creek beds. Hard hoofed heavy animals and fragile ground simply do not mix.

It was a stark reminder of the consequences of a Govt proposing to allow cattle back into our precious national parks.
